I. Capacity (能力):
1. Lack of scalability (無法迅速有效地處理大量的件事)
2. Busy but little throughput (很忙但沒進度)
3. Crash under heavy load (同時做三件事就掛了)
4. ON-OFF throughput pattern (間歇性施功)
5. Brainless and muscleless (不會思考又沒行動力)
6. Blurred receiver and transmitter (聽不到也講不清重點)
7. Weak in analysis, organization, or creativity (缺乏分析力組織力創造力)
II. Attitudes (態度):
8. Little self-motivation (低度自我期許)
9. A vacation hen (不專心孵蛋的母雞)
10. Irregular life style (不規則生活型態)
11. Messy desktop (混亂的文件與桌面)
12. A slow coach (慢郎中)
13. No ideas, no comments, no nothing (腦子一片空白)
14. Unhealthy personality (不太健康快樂正向的人格)
15. Too many personal affairs (太多雜事)
III. Disciplines (訓練):
16. Lack of intensive interaction (缺乏互動腦力激盪)
17. Pointless discussion (沒有抓住重點的無效討論)
18. Random walk, no roadmap (做事沒規劃)
19. Memoryless work planning (做了新的忘了原有的規劃)
20. Ignorance of details (輕忽細節)
21. Lack of professionalism (欠缺專業或嚴謹態度)